Squid game and a glimpse into human nature

It can happen in real life

Chidumebi Aranonu
2 min readOct 6, 2021

There’s nothing scarier to me in a horror story than the line: “Based on a true-life story.” When it is fictional, I can brush it off and say that it is inaccurate, but I am terrified when it can happen.

This series is not based on a true-life story, but it could have been as it depicts our society and human behavior realistically.

I kept thinking while I watched it how things change when money is involved, and even those you trust can stab you in the back. I remember someone telling me that you never know anyone’s true character until they have money or power.

Would we lose the core of what makes us human in desperate circumstances? That’s a question that we cannot answer unless we find ourselves in such a situation.

In the end, the older man talked about how he had no joy because he was immensely wealthy and could have anything, so he created a game that could give some spice to his life. ‘’The fun game of watching people struggle for a chance at their dream life while playing life and death childhood games as his friends sit and watch it like a movie.” What a psycho.

We saw the wealth inequality as some had so much that they did not know what else to do with it, while they watched others struggle desperately for a chance at a decent life.

The older man made no mention of helping others or giving his money to help those in need. I wonder if he had put his money towards something more fulfilling, maybe he wouldn’t have felt empty at the end.

We are not in this world for ourselves, and life is meaningless if we just live for ourselves, even if it is for a short time.

Contestants who were true friends in the game till the end, even in these desperate circumstances, left a lasting impact on me.

The fascinating thing to me is that some people came back by choice because they felt their daily life offered no hope, and this game offered a glimmer of hope which is better than nothing.

Even then, they longed for hope.

I would have liked it to end with him visiting his daughter and finally spending time with her, but I also have unanswered questions that I hope season 2 brings. Like why was a 2015 winner still here? Was the older man number ‘001’ in the previous games? As there is no record of other numbers ‘001’ contestants and many more.

These are my thoughts, and I would love to hear yours as well.



Chidumebi Aranonu

I am an Engineer with the soul of an artist. I let my pen take me on a journey through my mind.